Thanks to Dr. Hank Roubicek, we have been able to send stories out over the airwaves.  Hank works tirelessly to produce The Story Voice.


There may be several podcasts that bring the world storytellers, but none match the content and approach found in The Story Voice. ” This outstanding podcast is uploaded every week and can be found at And of course, it is sponsored by the best storytelling venue around: The Houston Storytellers Guild. Enjoy past podcasts below.




The following are links to our new podcast, The Story Voice.



Snap Out of It: An Unexpected Caregiver’s Way to Self-Care, Stability, and Survival

A Place For Us

Schmaltz on Rye: Second Generation Holocaust Survivor’s DNA

Validating our Life through Story

Priscilla Howe

Ryan Murphy on So, What’s Your Story?

Community Call In: Moments that Changed Your Life

Celebrating Women’s Month

The Best of Mothers

To be Artistically Ambitextrous?

Student Tales on Personal Discovery

Jewish Country Singer Sings the Spirit in His Soul

Halloween with Dr. Hank

Michael Brundy: History, inspiration, and soul!

Best Cowpoet Around

Toni Simmons

Nurse Jack: Tales from the crypt

The Best in Storytelling

Storytelling is Learned

Stories By Second Generation Holocaust Survivors

Celebrating Black History Month with a Spotlight on African American Artists

Eva: A Survivor’s Tale

Going to The Well

Gotta Love the English

Kickin It Off

The Story Within the Story

Prepare to Scare

Tis the Fear-y-tale season. That isn’t a typo.

We Are Natural Storytellers: Members of the Houston Storytellers Guild unleash stories from the heart.

Listen to nature, to silence, and to your heart: Chickasaw Tales of Wonder

A Poet by Another Name

Sometimes Our Heroines Wear Pointed Shoes

Take Pride in Your Story

Lost and Found: Spirit of the Sacred Tale


The Story Voice Trailer

The Story Voice Unveiled